Upcoming Programs

  1. School of spiritual healing
  2. School of yoga education
  3. School of meditations
  4. School of astrology
  5. School of re-incarnation
  6. School of aura field studies
  7. School of kundalini studies
  8. School of reiki healing energy studies
  9. School of astral travel studies
  10. School of re-discovery of yogic and vedic scriptures tantric scriptures and master’s teachings
  11. School of psycho-kine-sis
  12. School of extra sensory perception.
  13. School of medium-ship and channeling.
  14. School of healthy animal welfare.
  15. School of yogic parenting.
  16. School of swapna nidra (sleep and dream studies).
  17. School of spiritual management and leadership.
  18. School of yogic and spiritual fine arts.
  19. School of total enlightenment (Buddha hood).
  20. School of Ayurveda
  21. School of para sciences
  22. School of child care and development
  23. School of women welfare and empowerment
  24. School of yogic /spiritual healing for de addiction and rehabilitation.